BjjBrick Podcast- BJJ, no-gi and good times!

This week we bring you an interview with Ken Blackburn. Ken is a coach and athlete. Ken is a life long martial artist and he holds an american Kettlebell record in the Chair Press. Ken has been doing BJJ for about 17 years, and he is happy to help introduce the BJJ community to the benefits of Kettlebell and other training methods. In 2008 Ken along with his partner Steve Cotter founded the International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation (IKFF).Ken Blackburn

We talk about:

  • His start with BJJ and Kettlebells
  • Kettlebell sport
  • Some benefits that Kettlebells bring to BJJ
  • Work capacity
  • Developing mental toughness
  • Grip endurance and strength
  • The Bulgarian Bag
  • Mace and clubs
  • Animal movements
  • Why you should warm-up and cool down
  • How to do a proper warm-up and cool down
  • How to keep motivated
  • Training movements vs training muscles
  • Mapping out your goals
  • The culture of the Kettlebell community
  • Common mistakes with strength and conditioning
  • A schedule for doing strength and conditioning


Quote of the week: Our quote this week is the Oath of Kings and Champions by Travis Stevens. It will motivate you.

Article of the week: 10 Habits of Successful BJJ Competitors


If you are interested in supporting The BjjBrick Podcast find out how here

Byron is working on a new audio book about kennel cough and BJJ

Catch us next week for another episode of The BjjBrick Podcast

The BjjBrick Podcast is in iTunesStitcher radio, and Google play store for Andriod

Direct download: Epi2013820Ken20Blackburn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am CDT