This week we have Mike Bidwell from BJJ after 40. We cover a huge range of topics in this show.

We talk about:
- Mike's start to martial arts
- His early days of BJJ and MMA
- The value of competing
- Spending 13 years as a brown belt
- Moving schools as a brown belt
- Getting out of shape as a brown belt
- Setting small goals to get to the next level
- Talking with an instructor about your next belt
- As a vegan what he likes to eat before training
- Why he loves the triangle choke
- Tips for having a good triangle choke
- Goals for the BJJ after 40 practitioners
- Starting BJJ while in your 40's
- Drilling take downs instead of doing them at full resistance
- Dealing with injuries
- Chasing a criminal that was messing with his car
- Advice for BJJ players older than 40
- The differences between a black belt and a brown belt
- What it means to be yourself on the mat
- The term "Flow Mike Bidwell"
- Working with Nic Gregoriades
- The Cryangle choke and how he came up with the name
- Why the cryangle choke works best against the flexible opponent
- Creating the body that you want to do BJJ with
- Looking for the lessons when you get tapped out
Quote of the week: "No greater thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen." Epictetus
Article of the week: What you need to know when transitioning from the gi

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Catch us next week for another episode of The BjjBrick Podcast
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-- posted at: 11:00am CST