Mon, 30 December 2013
We talk about the David and Goliath and other underdogs that found a way win. What do these underdogs have in common? If you are an underdog how can you turn it to your advantage? We talk about a book by Malcom Gladwell: David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants. This book sheds a new light of the David and Goliath story. We compare David to Royce Gracie, in the early UFC. We also talk about Nick Newell, the one armed MMA fighter that continues to win fights. And Anthony Robles the champion wrestler who is missing a leg. Quote of the week: both of these are from Rickson Gracie “Where there is discomfort there is fear.” “You have to find comfort in uncomfortable situations.” Links Article of the week: “3 Tips for Beginners in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu”. If you are new to bjj even if you have some experience this article makes some great points. Here is the video Gary sent to Craig. Enjoy! Then send it an unsuspecting friend. Malcom Gladwell’s books: Outliers, Blink, The Tipping Point, What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures, and David and Goliath. All these books are interesting, my personal favorite is probably Blink. Don’t break the chain calendar, 100% free just open it and print it. |
Sun, 29 December 2013
Short Bonus episode: What happened to Anderson Silva's leg? Today I am wondering like many of you, what happened to Anderson Silva? Why did his leg break from his kick? Can this type of injury happen to me? How can I prevent this from happening. I call up my favorite medical professional, Paramedic Craig. We don't know for sure what caused his leg to break but he says that a stress fracture is a likely cause. We talk about what a stress fracture and what are the causes of them. Craig also talks about the signs and symptoms of a stress fracture (tenderness, swelling, pain even after rest). Stress fractures will go away on their own with proper rest and nutrition. Recovery for a broken tibia and fibula, is about 3 to 6 months. We briefly talk about what to do for a injured classmate and how to splint this kind of injury. We wish Anderson Silva the best of luck with a full and speedy recovery. Link to Episode 9 an interview with a paramedic, what to do when someone gets hurt in class.
Direct download: Extra_episode_what_happened_to_anderson_silva.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:29pm CST |
Mon, 23 December 2013
This podcast is available in iTunes and on Stitcher radio. Just about everyone will need to deal with an injury from time to time, this is a contact sport. Today we talk about healing quicker, training with the injury and when to take some time off. It is important to listen to your body, if it hurts it may be trying to tell you something. Craig talks about having problems healing due to cholesterol medicine. Here is an article talking about the side effects of some cholesterol medicine. Gary and Byron both share stores of dealing with rib injuries. Gary recommends keep working out with something, even if it is not BJJ. He takes salmon oil from supplement u. Gary will use a foam roller to help get rid of neck, back, and muscle pain. With some injuries like ribs or back, it will be painful to move so it will be too difficult to roll. If you can’t train, you can study a select move or two intensely. When you return to the mat, you will have some new stuff to work on. We talk briefly about the need to have health insurance to help you financially if you get seriously injured. Jiu-Jitsu does not really have an offseason, like many other sports do. Most sports go months when people don’t train much. In BJJ we just keep rolling, often this means that our bodies will not fully heal. Injuries to people in their first year can convince the person that the sport is not for them. If this happens to one of your training partners you should contact them and try to encourage them to get back on the mat once they are better. It is important to help your injured teammates get back on the mat. It is especially important to keep safety in mind when rolling with a new person. A good way to prevent injuries is to leave your ego at the door and get rid of a negative attitude. Quote of the week-“If man were to say something deep in woods and no woman was around to hear him, would he still be wrong?” Article of the week- Tap out 101- Tips if you Starting BJJ Over FortyThe free don’t break the chain calendar just open it and print it! |
Mon, 16 December 2013
Today we have a good friend Craig on the show. Craig has been in the emergency medical field for over 32 years, he is a paramedic. Craig has been training Jiu-Jitsu for approximately 8 years. He shares some of his knowledge about dealing with injuries that might happen during class. We cover a lot of stuff in this episode! You could find yourself needing to know this information on or off the mat. This episode should help you make the right decisions after an injury happens. Craig helps us learn about these topics: How to determine if it is a serious injury and if you need to call for help What happens to your body if certain bones are broken? Tips on splinting an injured extremity, and when you are not going to be able to splint something When you should not splint an injury What to expect when an ambulance is called Internal bleeding What is an open fracture, and why you need to call an ambulance Tips on minimizing pain after an injury Tips on what should you do before the ambulance arrives What you can do to help someone that could have a serious neck injury A tip to help healing is the acronym R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, elevate) How quickly do you need to get stitches? Why chest pain is not to be ignored Why abrasions are more likely to get infected than a cut Signs of an infected scrape or cut, and the consequences Why it is so important to have good hygiene and a clean gi? How to help someone that get choked unconscious Dealing with a concussion Signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke Tips for staying safe when you are training in a high heat environment Some things that should be in a first aid kid at your gym- 4X4 bandages, band aids, a sling and swath, antiseptic gel, medical gloves, ice packs, aspirin, scissors, safety pins, and tape. Quote of the week- “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” Nelson Mandela Article of the week- A easy way to stay out of trouble in the guard By Stephan Kesting Stephan gives some great tips for avoiding getting attacked if your posture temporarily gets broken. Links Craig recommends as a great reference. How to immobilize someone’s injured neck Absolutely free- Don’t break the chain calendar, just open it and hit print
Direct download: Epi_9_an_interview_with_a_paramedic-_what_to_do_when_someone_gets_hurt_in_class.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:14pm CST |
Mon, 9 December 2013
We have a good mix of people talking about gi vs nogi training. Byron likes both, Gary is a nogi guy, and Matt likes the gi more but the nogi rules. The gi game can be described like a game of 5 vs 5. More technical and slower pace. · More difficult to escape · Grips make a huge difference · More techniques The no gi game is like a 2 vs 2 basketball game. Fast pace and lot more hustle. · Underhooks and overhooks are the “grips “ of no-gi · Leg locks become a big factor · More scrambles We talk about starting out your grappling career with the gi or without it. You should be rolling any chance you can. With our without the gi. If you are interested in belt promotions you need to be training with the gi. Some of the best grapplers in your gym may be training with the gi. Put a gi on and join them. Quote of the week: Keep your friends close and your elbows closer. |
Mon, 2 December 2013
We break down and discuss the 12 commandments. We don't always agree with the commands but they have a great overall message. 1. Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. 2. Speak to every one of happiness, health, and prosperity. 3. Give all your friends the feeling that they are valuable. 4. Look at things from a positive point of view and turn positivity into a reality of life. 5 Think only about the best, work only or the best, and always expect the best. 6. Be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are of your own. 7. Forget about past mistakes and concentrate your energy on the victories of tomorrow. 8. Always make those around you happy and keep a pleasant attitude to all those who address you. 9. Apply the largest amount of your time on self-improvement and no time in criticizing others. 10. Be too big to feel unrest, too noble to feel anger, too strong to feel fear, and too happy to tumble in adversity. 11. Hold a positive opinion of yourself and tell it to the world. Not through words of vanity, but through benevolence. 12. Believe strongly that the world is in your side, if you keep true to what is the best within you.
Quote of the week: "don't suck" from Jake Fox Question from Facebook: We talk about drug testing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Links Fox Fitness: Jake Fox joins us again in this episode. Good times at our Facebook page. Article of the week: Texas Kids Fight Bullying With Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, By Teresa Woodard
Direct download: Epi_7_The_12_commandments_of_Brazilian_Jiu-Jitsu.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:10pm CST |
Mon, 25 November 2013
Jake is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt under Andre Tim Monteiro. He opened up his own academy in Wichita Kansas about a year and a half ago.
Jake has done MMA, Muay Thai, and Jiu-Jitsu.
We start off this interview about Andre telling us a little about Jake.
Jake talks with us about:
-Opening up his own school
-His journey from white belt to black belt
-His training philosophies
-Training at different skill levels
-Dealing with injuries
-Overcoming Obstacles
Quote of the week "we are not here to knit" Jake Fox
Article of the week The "BJJ Has Lost it's Effectiveness as an MMA Base"
Tue, 19 November 2013
Today we talk to Jason Bircher.
This interview is available in iTunes and Stitcher radio. Quote “The man is the size of his dreams” from Andre Tim Monteiro Article of the week- From “The Bjj Contrarian” Links |
Mon, 11 November 2013
We talk to Andre about
Quote of the week: “Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.” Unknown Links Andre’s sponsors: Koral Fight co. Fightertech |
Sun, 3 November 2013
Today we talk to John Castillo about BJJ and self defense.
John Castillo:
· BJJ Black Belt under Renato Tavares , he has been training BJJ since 1996.
· Midwest representative of Kapap under Avi Nardia
· Trained with Moni Aizik in commando Krav Maga
· Trained with Mordi Glam in Israel, doing Israeli Krav Maga
There are three main aspects of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
1. Vale Tudo (MMA)
2. Tournament Jiu-Jitsu
3. Self defense (mostly viewed as a 1 vs 1 conflict without any weapons)
Going to the ground in a self defense situation can be very dangerous.
· You could get attacked by other people (human soccer ball)
· Many people have knifes on them, it could be more difficult to get away from a weapon
Some advantages of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a self defense situation.
· It is a contact sport and you are more accustom to the stresses and discomfort
· You could be able to hold someone down and not need to hurt them
· You are less likely to get beat up by one person in a “fair fight”
Things you can do to make sure you are more prepared to survive a self defense situation.
· Learn some strikes (jab cross combo, basic kicks, knees and elbows)
· Understand how weapons can be used against you
· Try to increase your situational awareness
· Do some escape drills (learn what it takes to escape a room full of people)
· Train with a fake gun or knife
· Don’t go to places where violence is likely
· Try the Hubud drill ( a Filipino martial art drill)
· Go to a Kapap or Israeli Krav Maga class
You can win the fight and still lose big. You could get sewed, kicked out of your BJJ gym, lose the respect of your community or coworkers.
Your main goal in a street fight is to survive; the best way to survive is to avoid the conflict. The best move you can often do is to go home.
Contact John Castillo at or phone 316-265-0722
Castillo Jiu-Jitsu facebook page
Quote of the week- “The harder work the luckier I get” Thomas Jefferson
We also talked about the desire to win vs the goal of performing at your best.
Sun, 27 October 2013
Tips for bringing a friend to your BJJ class
Your main goals should be to keep your friend safe and to have fun.
Keep them safe by helping them to roll with experienced grapplers that will not injure them.
They will have fun if they are able to relax, BJJ is naturally fun.
You are an ambassador for BJJ.
To anyone that you know that doesn’t train, you are most like the best BJJ practitioner they know. You may have only been going a month to BJJ class, but in their eyes you are the only person they know that trains. You are their “Jiu-Jitsu guy” or “Jiu-Jitsu gal”.
Tell your friend what to expect for their first BJJ class. They will be less nervous if they know what to expect.
What is the format of the class? Warm up, technique, rolling….
Tell them about mat etiquette. They don’t want to break these rules, but if they don’t know the rules they might be breaking them.
Tell your friend what to bring.
What should they wear? Do they need to bring water?
Drive your friend to class if you can.
This may seem odd but they will really feel like you are doing everything you can to help them. The conversation you will have on the way home could mean the difference between your friend being frustrated about the class or excited.
What friends should you invite?
Invite anyone that asks you a few questions about BJJ. Or anyone that seems like they would give it a try.
Bonus tip- Call them the next day and ask them what they thought, try to make it with them to their next class.
3 Tips for helping the new student that does not know anyone.
Be outgoing and welcome them into the group.
Show them around and answer any questions they might have.
Treat them how you would like to be treated if it was your first day on the mat.
Quote of the Week- “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” Babe Ruth
Article of the Week- “Attending BJJ Class While Injured: You’re Still A Part of the Class and We do Want You Here” By- A Skirt on the Mat
The gyms Gary mentioned in this episode. Fox Fitness, Wichita Jiu-Jitsu Club.
BjjBrick radio is available on itunes.
Direct download: Episode_2_Bringing_a_friend_to_BJJ_class.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm CST |
Mon, 21 October 2013
· Practice leg locks- The more you understand and train leg locks the safer you will be.
· Don’t force the leg lock- Submissions should not take all your strength to work. Don’t strain too hard, be smooth.
· Control your partner- Before you start applying the pressure have good control of your training partner.
· Work leg locks with more skilled people- Avoid putting leg locks on new practitioners; they will be more likely to get injured.
· Tap when you get caught- It’s no big deal, if you get caught just tap.
· Be aware of your own feet- You are often in danger when you are attacking someone’s leg.
· Tips for when to tap to- Heel hooks, Achilles lock, and Toe hold.
Quote of the week- “Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.” Bruce Lee
Article- “It’s All in the Hips: Hip Care 101 for BJJ Practitioners” By Samuel Spiegelman
Legal Leg Locks for BJJ by Roli Delgado- The App Gary talked about.